Rumours of Hope

The Rev Dr George Hobson, a much travelled, highly qualified theologian, pastor, counsellor, poet, photographer and probably much more, has produced his first published anthology which draws together the many giftings in his life. Essentially it is a book of poems and photographs but on closer inspection, you are taken into the depths of meditation and reflection upon God and his created world.

There are five sections:

~nnThere is a world elsewhere – reflecting on creation; its vastness, cruelty, beauty and intricacy.n~~nBells – a major work reflecting on a Benedictine monastery in Austria.n~~nPerspective – reflecting on art and artists.n~~nThe Hard Poems – reflecting on the challenging aspects of Christian life and the way in which we can so easily stifle God’s voice.n~~nRumours of Hope – reflecting on the timelessness of God and his blessings throughout the generations.nn~

This book is a must for those who love poetry, photography and travel and seek to spend quiet moments in reflection and meditation. It can be used as meditative material in house groups or services. Permission needs to be sought for the reproduction of the poems and photographs but they can be used in many ways covering a variety of subjects.

As a poet and photographer myself, I was impressed by the quality of both. In this day of digital photography when people snap at all and sundry, it is good to see the artistic brilliance of someone with an eye for beauty, composure and the unusual. They are the kind of photographs I would be proud to have in my portfolio.