My Rights, My God

Chances are you will know somebody who has shown a desire to serve overseas on the mission field. For those considering such a move, this publication by Dr Wells is ideal general introductory material that would help to affirm a call. The book has a fresh approach to getting its message across. The use of web-style fonts, symbols and culture makes this look very contemporary and a stimulating but not heavy read. At the end of each chapter, there is space for you to add your own thoughts and responses. There are also stories of mission workers around the world, and there are no holds barred. The book touches on many personal issues such as family life and education. Many of these may involve sacrifice or realignment when changing from an affluent to an under-resourced culture.

A balance of losses and gains is presented, and we are encouraged to see a 'big picture'. An additional bonus is the CD that comes in the back sleeve, with some top name interviews, as well as some interesting and quality Christian music from around the world. A pity then, that some of it shows obvious signs of Western rather than indigenous influences. The only other downside is that some of the hand-drawn illustrations are rather poor in comparison with the text and the computer-generated graphics. Overall, however, a well-presented, brief, but sufficiently deep resource, that should inspire others to overseas mission, as well as helping the rest of us to understand the need and nature of our global reality. And at £6.99, this is just the thing to give as a gift to potential missionary.