Donald English
Young Scholars Fund
We offer small one-off grants (currently up to £500) to support the studies of young scholars (aged under 40 at the time of application) in any field of theology. As the Fund seeks to promote evangelical scholarship in Methodism, applicants should be in sympathy with the aims (prayer for revival and witness to the evangelical faith) and our basis of faith (which affirms the Evangelical Alliance basis of faith).
Grants cannot be awarded to help with course fees and general expenses but must be for a specific project. Grant recipients are required to report back to the trustees regarding the use of the grant money within one year of the award. The trustees also require an outline of study progress and a copy of any publications which result from the supported study.
The applicant must:
Be aged 40 or under when applying.
Be a member of the Methodist Church and/or in sympathy with our aims and therefore the EA basis of faith.
Be working on a specific project or attending a specific conference for which support is needed.
Be committed to providing us with feedback on the use of the grant and acknowledgment of funding in any publication arising from the research project.
Not be seeking general maintenance support for living costs as a student.
Not be a repeat applicant having previously received a grant from the DEYSF.
Please do encourage anyone you know who is eligible according to the criteria below to make an application to the Fund by writing to admin@methodistevangelicals.org.uk