MET:Revive Ambassador 

The Ambassador Role will be a voluntary role, focussed on offering ministry "on the ground" as we place prayer for revival front and centre in our work once again - casting vision and mobilising the Methodist people in standing together for Biblical Revelation, Biblical Renewal and Biblical Revival, encouraging others to join us in this work, linking like-minded and like-hearted evangelical Methodists together in fellowship and pastoral support, spurring us on in mission and ministry, towards the flourishing of Christian lives and local churches.
Rev Dr David Hull has sensed a clear and strong calling to fulfil this role of Ambassador, with his passion to share a ministry of Word and Spirit in our Wesleyan heritage with ordinary Methodists around the country. David steps down from his role as Chair at the MET:Revive National Conference in mid November 2024, and will be able to commence this new role from 1 January 2025.

Click here for more details

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