Our People

Please find below an introduction to our leaders and staff members.

Chris Briggs oval v1   Gareth Higgs oval v1

Chris Briggs


Gareth Higgs

The Revd Chris Briggs became Chair of MET:Revive in the autumn of 2024. Chris is a Presbyter in the Methodist Church of Britain. His responsibilities included a seven year role up to August 2024 as Mission Enabler of the Nottingham and Derby Methodist District. Prior to that Chris served in a variety of places in the Methodist Church including the Luton area and Portland in Dorset. He is currently serving Littleover and St Martin’s Methodist Churches in Derby. 
The Revd Gareth Higgs is a Methodist Presbyter currently working as a Lecturer in Applied Theology at Moorlands Bible College in Dorset. He has served a number of circuit appointments, most latterly as Superintendent Minister of Plymouth Methodist Central Hall. Gareth is married to Laura and they have three children. He enjoys most sports and loves to sea-swim with his family. 



Marian Izzard  
Liz Miller 2023 oval v2
Marian Izzard   Liz Miller

Mrs Marian Izzard is delighted to serve as our Administrator. Marian lives on the Isle of Wight where her husband John is Superintendent Minister for the island. Apart from being a wonderful island to explore, they are both very excited about the immense opportunities that the island offers in terms of mission and outreach working with the Methodist churches and with the Churches Together Groups.


Mrs Liz Miller lives in Cornwall and is married to David who is the Superintendent of the Launceston Area circuit. A supporter of our predecessor movements since the Methodist Revival Fellowship, she has been an accredited Local Preacher since 1994 and regularly preaches around the circuit.


David Hull    
David Hull    

The Revd Dr David A Hull is a Methodist Minister who has served in the worlds of church and education. Continuing to be a minister in Full Connexion with the British Methodist Conference, he currently serves within the Free Methodist Church UK as Lead Pastor of Freedom Church Bristol, based in Kingswood. He is the former Chair of,  and now Ambassador for, MET:Revive, the evangelical network within the British Methodist Church.  He is also Chair of the inter-denominational mission organisation Share Jesus International and Founding Chair of the Association of Wesleyan Evangelicals (AWE).  David is married to Sarah and they have three daughters.



Gareth Higgs, Liz Miller and Chris Briggs

Other Exec Members and Officers

Chair - Chris Briggs 

Equipping for Ministry Presbyter Support - Nicola Briggs

Prayer - Roz Addington

Global Fellowship Group Representative - Ayodeji Okegbile

MET:Revive National Conference - Contact the Administrator

Safeguarding - Liz Miller

Administrator - Marian Izzard

Magazine Designer - Daniel Watson

Website and Database - HUBB.Church

Bookkeeper - Fiona Budd

If you need to contact us please visit the Contact Us page.