MET:Revive Visits 

From 2012-2022 the Development Workers were available to take appointments around the Connexion, at the invitation of Districts, circuits and churches. They offered preaching, teaching, retreats and quiet days for groups, churches and circuits. MET:Revive representatives may be able to offer similar Bible teaching opportunities both in-person and online. 

Examples of Preaching/Teaching/Retreat themes 

  • Scriptural Holiness
  • Spirit Empowered Mission
  • Using Spiritual Gifts within Sunday Services
  • Word and Spirit
  • Biblical Perspectives on Marriage
  • The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us
  • Forgiveness - Enables us to Serve Well and Stay Refreshed
  • Living Through Forgiving
  • Hearing God's Voice
  • Will your anchor hold? Trusting God during times of change
  • Preaching Good News Today: How can we biblically preach Good News in this 21st century?
  • Exploring the Spiritual Battle
  • Images of the Holy Spirit: How can we experience more of God's Spirit?
  • Shining For Christ: Learning from Philippians

Bible Study Series On Zoom:

  • The 'I am' sayings of Jesus (8 sessions)
  • Messianic Prophecies (3 sessions)
  • The Message of Ruth Today (5 sessions)
  • Luke's Look at Jesus (many sessions)
  • (7 or 14 sessions)
  • The Acts of The Apostles (35 sessions)
  • John 1:1-18 (2 sessions)
  • Images of the Holy Spirit (8 sessions)