Our History 

MET:Revive is a renewal movement which is Bible-based and prayer-focussed. That movement was formed as several groups came together in 1987 under the name of Headway. It continues to seek to be an influence at the heart of Methodism, shaping the future of a church committed to discipleship and mission.

We recognise and celebrates the faithful witness of those who came together in 1987. The Methodist Revival Fellowship (1952-1987) prayed for God to revive the Methodist denomination. Conservative Evangelicals in Methodism (1971-1987) encouraged theological study and reflection on the Bible as the authoritative word of God. Dunamis (1972-1994) provided fellowship for those involved in charismatic renewal.

In 1987 Headway was formed as a movement of Methodist committed to pray for revival and witness to the evangelical faith. This was renamed as Methodist Evangelicals Together (MET) in 2007 to provide a name which reflects who we are. In January 2022 it became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). In May 2024, MET adopted the name MET:Revive to place Revival front and centre.

David Hull, who was appointed Chair in 2012, states, " ‘Evangelical’ is our defining characteristic and what motivates us. We hold this not to be divisive, but because we believe this is how we can best make a positive contribution to the life of the Methodist Church. God calls us to be a Church which honours him and which is enthusiastically committed to mission and discipleship. It is my conviction that evangelical theology equips us to do all of that, empowered by the Holy Spirit."