Mind & Spirit Fair
Last June (2005) I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to approach the organisers of the local Body, Mind & Spirit Fair (MBS) to ask them if they had any objections if local Christians had a stall to offer healing prayer this year. I was pleasantly surprised by their openness, and Angie (the organiser) said she’d be happy to book us in, providing we didn’t mind paying for a stall. The Lord was generous to us. The Bishop of Lincoln helped us from his mission fund and through the help of local churches and individual Christians all costs were covered. So we were ready to go in.
On the weekend of 3-4 June 2006, after having assembled an inter-denominational team, the Lord mobilised us. What a time we had! With reassurances of his protecting presence and prayer cover lead by a couple from New Life, Lincoln from the Friday evening before and right through to the Sunday evening at Nettleham Methodist Church, two teams of three people staffed a Christian stall entitled Journey into Wholeness on both the Saturday and Sunday from 10.00am through to 5.00pm. On-site at the Lincolnshire Showground we had a caravan, at which the team of evangelists assembled prior to deployment for prayer and encouragement. It was also a ‘safe space’ to retire to for further prayer and to share Holy Communion before going off-duty.
As you will see from the photos a great deal of prayerful thought went into the appearance of our stand and I’m so grateful to God for those involved in using their artistic skills for the Lord. Even the organisers complimented the team on the professional look. God’s favour was undoubtedly with us!

Using free gospel literature and pictures painted by a local Christian artist, we were helped to share the love of Christ with many people. The result was that several came to Christ on the Saturday and many people were prayed with during the two days. In fact on several occasions we had a small queue of people awaiting healing prayer!
We really felt that we were in the right place at the right time. All those involved were wonderfully encouraged and empowered as we sought obediently to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I would strongly advise you to gather your evangelists, artists, administrators and intercessors and get on board whilst we have the opportunity of sharing the gospel with the most spiritually-open people group in the UK. We also hope to do a similar thing at local car-boot sales on a Sunday morning as we seek to get on with the Great Commission. Angie’s invited us back to the next MBS in November as well as next year’s event. The fields are indeed white for harvest, and we pray that the labourers will be mobilised not only in Lincolnshire, but across this nation, as long as the door remains open