Revive 2024 wide bar v2


Awestruck: The Bible's Big Picture

A weekend focussing on Revival, with Bible Teaching, Worship, Prayer, Fellowship and Ministry  

Friday 15 - Sunday 17 November 2024 

The King's Park Conference Centre, Northampton NN3 6LL

Contributors Include:

Jacqui Parkinson / Textile Artist and creator of exhibitions: Threads Through Creation, Threads Through Revelation and currently working on Threads Through the Cross
David Hull / Chair of Methodist Evangelicals Together and Lead Pastor of Freedom Church, Bristol
Chris Briggs / Chair-elect of Methodist Evangelicals Together and district mission Enabler of The Methodist Church Nottingham and Derby District

Weekend Rate: £260 per person

(This includes accommodation with ensuite facilities and all meals from Friday evening dinner to Sunday lunch)
Extended - Discount of £20 per person (£240) if booked by 31 July 2024
Discount of £10 per person (£250) if booked by 1 September 2024

Day Visitor Rate:
Friday evening including dinner £40
Saturday all day including lunch and dinner £55
Sunday morning including lunch £40
(Day rate includes tea, coffeee and biscuits)

To book complete the booking form below

Click here to watch the videos of REVIVE 2022
Rekindling the Wesleyan Flame
by the Revd Dr David Hull

Trouble Shooting:
Please note that for some donors, when your bank prompts you to authenticate your payment, the popup browser window from your bank may show the payment as £0. This is just part of the authentication process - please continue with the authorisation as you will be charged for the payment you are making. This only applies to some banks and they are working to resolve the issues. If you are unable to proceed with payment, please let us know.