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Rev Jeffrey Sharp
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Revd Dr Chris Blake
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Publishing Date
Recording Date
763. The Secret Place. 3. The Father's Heart - Healing and Intimacy. Linda Holt
Linda Holt
MET Prayer Conference at Willersley Castle 2009
The Father's heart - healing and intimacy
MP3 Audio 63.9MB (1:05:42)
Audio Recordings
Downloads: 400
Recorded: 18/06/2023
Length: 1 hour 5 minutes
764. The Secret Place. 4. Come Up Here - God Wants To Share His Heart. Linda Holt
Linda Holt
MET Prayer Conference at Willersley Castle 2009
The secret place - come up here! Gow want to share his heart
MP3 Audio 57.1MB (57:28)
Audio Recordings
Downloads: 368
Recorded: 18/06/2023
Length: 57 minutes
762. The Secret Place. 2. The Father's Heart - Hearing God's Voice. Linda Holt
Linda Holt
MET Prayer Conference at Willersley Castle 2009
The Fther's heart - hearing God's voice
MP3 Audio 64.5MB (1:06:19)
Audio Recordings
Downloads: 368
Recorded: 15/06/2023
Length: 1 hour 6 minutes
761. The Secret Place. 1. What Is God Doing In The Nations At Present? Linda Holt
Linda Holt
MET Prayer Conference at Willersley Castle 2009
Introductory - What is God doing in the nations at present
MP3 Audio 64.2MB (1:05:59)
Audio Recordings
Downloads: 425
Recorded: 15/06/2023
Length: 1 hour 5 minutes